Book Collections
Combined Books
History & Memior
Children's Books
With Florence Slobodkin
Author & Illustrator
Items in This Collection
A Good Place to Hide
The Adventures of Arab
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Alhambra
The Amiable Giant
The Beautiful Culpeppers
Circus April 1st
Clean Clarence
Clear the Track
Colette and the Princess
The Cowboy Twins
Dinny and Danny
Evie and Cookie
Evie and the Wonderful Kangaroo
Excuse Me Certainly
The Friendly Animals
Gertie the Horse
The Horse with the High-Heeled Shoes
Hustle and Bustle
The Hundred Dresses
Io Sono
Johnathan and the Rainbow
The King and the Noble Blacksmith
The Late Cuckoo
The Little Mermaid
The Magic Fishbone
Magic Michael
Little O
Luigi and the Long-Nosed Soldier
Many Moons
The Marshmallow Ghosts
Martin's Dinosaur
Melvin the Moose Child
The Middle Moffat
Millions and Millions and Millions
The Moffats
Moon Blossom and the Golden Penny
Mr. Mushroom
Mr. Papadilly and Willy
Mr. Peterson's Cats
Mr. Spindles and the Spiders
Naomi and the Lovely Animals
One is Good but Two are Better
Our Friendly Friends
Picco the Sad Italian Pony
The Polka-Dot Goat
Read about the Busman
Read about the Fireman
Read about the Policeman
Read about the Postman
Red Head
Robin Hood
Rufus M-2
Sarah Somebody
The Saucepan Journey
The Seaweed Hat
The Shoes Fit for a King
Small but Wiry
The Sun and the Wind and Mr. Todd
Thank You You're Welcome
They're Your Teeth
Too Many Mittens
Trick or Treat
Up High and Down Low
Upside-Down Town
The Warmhearted Polar Bear
The Wide-Awake Owl
Wilbur the Warrior
Yasu and the Strangers
Young Man of the House