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Read About the Fireman

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   Author:  Louis Slobodkin
Copyright Date:  1967
Publisher:  Franklin Watts
Pagination:  71 p.

     Like bold knights of old who fought make-believe dragons, our modern firemen are always ready to put on their armor—their helmets, rubber boots, and coats—and dash out to fight our most ruthless enemy, the dragon, fire, wherever it shows its vicious head.
     But fire is not a make-believe dragon. When fire gets out of control, it is a real enemy that does terrible damage.
     A modern fireman fights the dragon, fire, with the best and finest weapons ever made. Every new fire must be fought until it is completely dead.
     The weapons a fireman uses have been known for thousands of years. They are the fire engines that try to stab the fire in the heart with a powerful stream of water, and the iron hooks and axes that chop out the fire hidden in the walls. But the tools used by old-time fire fighters were weak and blunt, compared to those of modern firemen. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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