Illustration Collections
Combined Illustrations
Items in This Collection
“This Pipe”
“Same as ’Afore”
“Passing Sin?”
“Slugger’s Up”
“Easy with That”
“Jack’s Here”
Louis’ first
2 from Rufus M.
Fo’castle Waltz Dedication
Bixxy Dedication
Mittens Dedication
Seaweed Hat Dedication 1
Seaweed Hat Dedication 2
Seaweed Hat Dedication 3
New Yorker Cartoons
“This Pipe”
“Same as ’Afore”
“Passing Sin?”
“Slugger’s Up”
“Easy w/That”
’Jack’s Here“
Miscellaneous Illustration
Louis’ first
500 Years of Art: 2 fr. Rufus M.
Hand-Drawn Book Dedication Sketches
Fo’castle Waltz
Fo’castle Waltz 2
Bixxy and the Secret Message
Too Many Mittens
The Hundred Dresses
The Adventures of Arab
The Seaweed Hat 1
The Seaweed Hat 2
The Seaweed Hat 3
Jonathan and the Rainbow
Magic Michael 1
Magic Michael 2