1. L I T T L E O’s B A B Y
Little O was up in the attic with Mamma, who was putting away winter clothes in mothproof bags.
In a corner stood the old baby buggy Little O had used when she was a baby.
“Why does my nice buggy have to stay up here?” she asked: “Can’t I have it downstairs in my room, Mamma?”
“What would you do with it there? You have your doll buggy.”

“That’s so small! I couldn’t put a real baby in it. This one is much better. I could have Pysen in it and play that he was my baby brother.”
“You and Pysen have so many things in your room,” said Mamma. “And you’ll soon get tired of it. Then I’ll have to carry it up again.”
“I won’t get tired of it. I am going to play with it every day. I have never really pulled a real baby buggy,” complained
Little O. “Please Mamma, can’t I have my own buggy?”
“My goodness, how you carry on,” said Mamma. “Well, I suppose we can bring it down for a few days anyway.”
“Oh, goody,” cried Little O. “I am going to make a nice bed in it, and then Pysen will like to ride in it.”
“Think so?” said Mamma. “Well, here is the mattress that goes with it, and I have saved your little pink cover.
I think it is in that box over there. Wait, we’ll seeyes, here we have it.”
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