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They're Your Teeth!

Click to return to index    Author:  Louis Slobodkin
Copyright Date:  1949
Publisher:  Good Teeth Council
Pagination:  23 p.
There once was a boy, Leopold,
Whose teeth were a joy to behold.
His dentist did mention
Four rules for retention
That Leopold followed. He's sold!
  John Christopher Patrick McGrew
Had teeth that could no longer chew.
With continued neglect
What he got you'd expect.
Oh, foolish John C. P. McGrew!
Poor sad and unhappy Matilda!
When she chewed her teeth nearly
killed her.
To no dentist she'd go
Till too late. Oh, more woe
Is in store for unhappy Matilda!
  There was a young girl named Eileen
Whose teeth were never quite clean.
Whenever she'd grin
No admirers she'd win.
Oh, a lonely young girl was Eileen!
Which Are You Like?

T A K E   A   L O O K   A T   Y O U R S E L F

     G et a mirror, a big mirror or a small mirror. Now draw your lips away from your teeth and take a good look. Stretch your mouth open. Keep looking.
     How do you like the looks of your teeth? Do they look like Leopold's? Or are they more like Eileen's or John C. P. McGrew's or Matilda's?
     Now run your tongue all around your teeth, all around.
     Do they feel and look as if they could do the best possible job of working for you? Give you fun in chewing? Help to make you good looking?
     They are not just marbles or jumping ropes which you can trade or replace, those teeth of yours. They are just as much a part of you as your fingers and toes. It's up to you to keep them a part of you all your life.
     They are hard. They may look as if they can take care of themselves. But they can't. Taking care of them is your job. What can you do to get the best use out of them? That's what this book will try to tell you. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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